I. AM.
I am bold. I am confident. I am strong. These are just a few of many affirmations cut into this piece. Body positivity and confidence is something I love to spread through wearables. This portfolio piece was created for my sustainable fashion course. In this course we learned how to use the Laser Printer. Our professor prompted us to create a wearable piece using the laser cut printer for an aspect of it. This piece sparked my love for the laser printer. I finished off this look with some hand embroidery and a red feather flare.
Process Work
Adobe Files
These are the Adobe illustrations I created for the sleeves and base part of the dress. I used these files for the laser printer.
Hand Stitching
Hand Stitching the embroidery on the dress.
Laser Printer
A video of the laser printer cutting into the fabrics to create the design into the dress.

Process Work
The dress after embroidery and before the first critique.
First Critique
The look at the first critique.