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Shining Armor

This look was made in my Experimental Fashion Course at UIUC with my project partner Regina Pappadatos. We were prompted to create a look that was inspired by a piece of art in the Krannert Art Museum and then use only unconventional materials to create your look. We chose an art piece that was made to represent the medieval times. 


The first place we wanted to go to look for materials was The Idea Store! The Idea Store is essentially a thrift store for unconventional materials. We sifted through the materials and found hundreds of little metal discs (not sure what they were used for) and knew this would be a cool for inspiration of this project. 


After further planning we had to drill holes in each disc in order to cause the link effect of the dress. Then we hand attached each disc to construct a medieval times inspired metal look!  

Process Work

Mood Board

Mood board made which includes an image of the artwork that inspired this piece. 

Screen Shot 2023-05-25 at 8.06.11 PM.png

Metal Discs

Metal Discs found at the Idea Store


Videos of some of the process 


I had to drill 3 extra holes in each disc because it only had one. I started off on the drill press then switched to hand drill.


Process of connecting each piece together 

Final Critique

Models for the Final Critique

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